Magical Fabrics & Furnishing of U.P.

Uttar Pradesh..... The highly skilled craftsmanship of Uttar Pradesh has, for centuries, been a byword for quality and beauty of their work...because of this craft and talent "Uttar Pradesh" has become "Uttam Pradesh" . Unmatched quality of work.. since the time of "Mughal's" period is still being maintained and preserved in each and every city .. town.. street of this part of India. Main attraction of U.P. crafts are 

  • Zardozi & Chikan Work
  • Batik & Block Printing
  • Bone Carving & Marble Craft
  • Exotic Stone Work, Leather & Paper Works

Zardori & Chikan Work : One of the finest and oldest crafts of Uttar Pradesh. Hard-work of hands .. magic of needle ..thread ..colors and different materials makes is so special and so elegant. 

Mesmerize your interiors with the flavours of "Nawab royal embroidery  work" ...  of "zardori and chikan". Not only for the furnishings but it can be also found to  embellish bags, belts, photo-frames and wall hangings. 

Traditional patterns .. motifs  .. this special embroidery makes it "unique piece of work" in  all. 

Batik & Block Print : Another way to decorate .. make fabric feel good with unmatched quality of work. Poured in the well of colors .. different designs and creative idea's makes the fabric special in its own way. Geometric , floral, figurative and ornamental motifs grace the work on fabrics. 

Variety of blocks ... unlimited designs gives the pleasure to creativity and decor. They will defiantly warm the home of your design and imaginations. Blocks made on wood with amazing carving and cutting brings the feel to work on and bring it home. 

Apart from this creative and extreamly innovative designs .. Uttar Pradesh has few more things to give you on fabric designs and furnishing decor's. 

These types of "pillows / kushan's" are like an add on beauty to your interior's. Fabrics en-charmed with such a beauty of work.. print .. colors .. threads gives a perfect feel to gather them together for your interior's.

Just a small part being explored...... "marble khazanaa - work" .."wooden magic" "paper work" .. "leather craft" etc.. many more things Uttar Pradesh still waiting to give you. So just sit back and enjoy the tour of "wonder land of Uttar Pradesh".

copyright, All Rights Reserved 2013, Richa Gupta

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