We are often drawn to a photo of a room in a magazine or online

without really knowing why

Something about it appeals to you

you may not realize exactly what it is until you look at the room more closely.

In the photo above, I am drawn to the painted shiplap walls and ceiling,

the symmetrical grouping on the wall

and the juxtaposition of the casual beachy shiplap with the finer items on the walls and in the furnishings...

but looking at this photo, it is harder to put my finger on what draws me in.

Reflective surfaces?  Flowers and greenery?  The arrangement itself?

sometimes you can't put your finger on the specific item that attracts...

sometimes its the overall feel

like this cozy corner by Heather Bullard.

Casual elegance.  Light woods, soft colors, baskets, books, birdnests and shells

fresh and plenty of light...

rustic and refined all in one...

and while these two photos are at opposite ends of the spectrum - 

one vintage and formal

the other clean lined and modern day 'spa' in feeling

they both appeal

for different reasons

what appeals to you?

what things do you find yourself drawn to in a room?



I am in the middle of remodeling a home. I'm stuck on paint colors. I need suggestions on Benjamin Moore Gray color paint scheme.. I believe i want to do three walls the same color then the wall that connects down the hallway a lighter gray color. Or just do one dark accent wall?? Any suggestions on colors??
Thank You!

Hi Kendra,

You are going to be living with these colors for a few years... so start with a color you REALLY like.

Benjamin Moore OYSTER SHELL

My advice is to find a color you are drawn to and look at the paint strip. Study the values all the way from top to bottom.  

You can use the middle color for the 3 walls, the lighter color for the hall, and a darker value further down the strip for an accent wall...

That will really take the guess work out of finding colors that go well together.

Good luck!  

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