Garden Courtyards.

An evening to relax......... a morning with a welcome note of sunny warmth and brightness. Garden courtyards ... place of personal moments..... cherish the treasures of such beauties. 

An absolute pleasure to be in such open air Enjoy the coolness of evening with your family and friends. Not too expensive too create.. even can be made by keeping.. two chairs.. a table... and some decorative accessories with plants around.

Wooden fencing... or wood paneling ... even some wonderful rough pebbles work will grace the beauty of your garden sitting... and turn it to beautiful garden courtyard.

Collection of some colorful pillows, cushions.. some old sofa..or new sofa.. with or without a center table... will just grace the occasion of spending time in peace under the stars .. with the calmness of moon light and aesthetical effects of artificial lighting.

Need be to maintained a bit... but its one of the classy way to settle down your day long stress .. and to start a fresh day ..with a sip of coffee or tea..... and with the love smiles of your family. 

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